Creve Coeur, Missouri weather
Latitude N 38° 40' 47" Longitude W 90° 27' 47" Elevation 520 ft
This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.
Temperature and Humidity | |||
High Temperature | 84.8 °F | at 16:35 | |
Low Temperature | 47.9 °F | at 07:05 | |
Highest Dew Point | 56.6 °F | ||
Lowest Dew Point | 46.3 °F | ||
Temperature Range | 36.9 °F | ||
High Apparent Temperature | 85.8 °F | at 16:35 | |
Low Apparent Temperature | 47.0 °F | at 07:05 | |
Low Wind Chill | 47.9 °F | at 07:05 | |
High Heat Index | 83.2 °F | at 16:35 | |
High Humidity | 96 % | at 08:14 | |
Low Humidity | 33 % | at 15:25 | |
Rainfall | |||
Rainfall Today | 0.00 in | ||
Rainfall Rate Max | 0.00 in/hr | at 00:00 | |
High Hourly Rainfall | 0.00 in | at 00:00 | |
Days Since Last Dry Day | 0 | ||
Days Since It Last Rained | 12 | ||
Wind | |||
Highest Gust | 8.0 mph | at 13:33 | |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) | 1.0 mph (F1) | at 10:49 | |
Wind Run | 3.3 miles | ||
Dominant Direction | 69° ENE | ||
Pressure | |||
High Pressure (SL) | 30.173 in | at 10:38 | |
Low Pressure (SL) | 30.067 in | at 01:09 | |
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